Friday, February 20, 2009

The twins are named!!!

Good news everybody!! My dad just got home from California and decided to name his little chicks! The names he picked are so adorable and they totally fit the little chick-a-dees! The names he picked are Murdle and Matilda. Matilda has a bright red beak (it almost looks like Rudoulph) and has two dark brown stripes down her back. Murdle however has a normal chick colored beak with three dark stripes going down her back. The twins are so cute and are practically connected to eachother. Seriously, they never leave eachother's sides! No joke! Anyway, all the chicks are doing great so far. Well, except for Audrey, also called Fuzzy, (and might I add, she aint so fuzzy no more...) who is still recovering from being drenched with water that my little sister poured on her earlier this morning. (I think she wanted to give her a bath...) Anyway, after my sister did that Audrey would not stand up because she was so wet. So I had to come and save the day! We put Audrey in a little basket with a wash cloth under her to keep her warm under her heat lamp while my mom had the blow dryer in her hand and was blow drying her feathers. That was definately touch and go. We could tell she was about to die, but we didn't gie up! (my family never quits.) And finally all of our hard work payed off and she survived! She is still recovering but she is walking around! That's a start right?! Well, I will get back with you later!