Thursday, January 22, 2009

Noble's new diet...

EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!! Ok it's called the B.A.R.F diet. (bones and raw food) So, my uncle went hunting and shot an elk. When he cut it up he gave all the left over scraps and bones (which might I add filled up FOUR GARBAGE SACKS!!!!)to Noble. Anyway so that is what Noble had been and will be eating for the next, oh I'd say about, THREE MONTHS!!! I know, disgusting huh??? He has been eating mainly the raw meat off the leg and rib bones so far but today is when he started eating the real meat... Also, one time, we gave him some cow liver, i know eeeeewwwww again, and he wouldn't eat it at first!!! Don't worry there's more! So he didn't think it tasted too good so he added a little flavor to it...(his own SPECIAL (and extremely gross) way...) This is the gross part. He added flavor to it by PEEING ON IT!!!!! DOUBLE EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Well, that's pretty much it. See ya. (sorry if I made you sick. I had nothing to blog about...) :)

Bad and Good News

Bad News: One of my chickens just passed away. Her name was Sandy. If you are wondering who Sandy was just scroll down and look at the pictures of my chickens. Sandy is the dark-brownish red one. This broke my heart when I heard that the youngest chicken of the bunch passed away. She was only one or two years old when she died,and oddly enough my other two chickens are FOUR!!! Now onto the GOOD NEWS!!!

Good News: Since Sandy died and she was y little sisters only pet, we might be getting some new (BABY)chickens in a couple of weeks. I am sooooo excited!! If I get one I will name it Sophira and I will call it Sophy. Or I will name it Mayzie, like the bird from one of my most favorite plays, Suessical The Musical!!! The last time I tried to name my HEN Mayzie, It turned out to be a rooster. Well, stay tuned, I'll right more soon. :) + :( (happy plus sad me...)