Friday, June 19, 2009

Baby Bird!!!

So my sister's little friend found an injured bird in her backyard. Turns out it was hurt because it was hit by an edger (the thing you use to edge you lawn when you mow it...) So she called me and my sister over and we made a little box for a home. The little bird is too young to fly yet so we couldn't just leave it to get into more trouble... :) NOPE NOPE!!! I went inside and got some gauze for its cut open back and she is doing much better now!

My second vet experience... COMPLETE!!!

Here are some pics of my little Sophie!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Who says old dogs can't learn new tricks??

Not that I am saying Breeze is old (cause she's not) but she learned a new trick today! Thanks to me... :) She learned to stay and come!!!! Hurray!!!!!!!! Yippee!!!!!!!!!! I used a Hot Dog to teach her this amazing trick! It works every time! Well, I got to go! My dogs aren't gonna walk themselves! jk! Anywho, talk to you L8R! ~Lex

Monday, April 20, 2009

My first Vet experience!

Ok, so yesterday my dad and mom went on a date and left me to babysit my 3 sisters. Just when we were sitting down for dinner, I heard Noble growl really loud... I ran outside only to realize that my dad had given Noble his dinner with Mika still in the same cage. Ya, not a good idea... Noble is very protective of his food. So when I got outside after realizing why he had growled I saw Noble eating his food and Mika standing there with blood drizzling through her ear and down her neck. I was so freaked out! I went over to Noble and slapped him across the face! (not very hard, but hard enough so he would get the message...) I ran inside and got a warm wash cloth and some bacteria killer ointment. Ran back outside, and got Mika out of the cage before any more damage was done... I cleaned up Mika's ear and she seems to be doing much better now. She is a lot tougher around Noble now... :) So after Mika's clean up job and my first vet rescue, I played a little Tennis Ball fetch with her. It was way fun! ~Me

Friday, March 20, 2009

Just Hangin' out! :)

Hey everybody! My pets and I were just hanging' out today and I desided to snap a few shots with my moms camera. They are so cute! The big black dog is Noble, the little brown dog is my little Breeze (her real name is Sweet Summer Breeze, but we just call her Breeze puppy), the Siberian Husky is the newest addition to the "farm" at our house, well, we are just tending her but we will be tending her for like 7 months! and I also took some pic's of my always growing little chick-a-dee's! They all grow up so fast! Here are some (not so good) pic's of them! (I have two cats and a guinea pig also but they do not like their pictures taken! Trust me!...)

This is my little Bella. She is the prettiest Buff Orkington in all the world. I named her after my AWESOME big sister Isabella. I love Bella and Bella so so so so much!
This is little Audrey. She is a rare kind of chicken. She was born with gray fuzzy feathers all over her and over the past couple weeks she had transformed into a beautiful color!

My lil' chicks are growing up so fast! It makes me sad! sniffle sniffle. :(

That black one there is the runt of the bunch. Her name is Ming- Ming. If any of you have watched the Wonder pets show, you will now who Ming-Ming is. My 2 year old sister named her.... :)

This is my little puppy! Breeze is so mellow and loves to sit on your lap when you watch television. She sleeps with me in my bed at night and always cuddles up to me. She is so stinkin' CUTE!
This is Noble licking his nose. It is so much fun watching him!

This is my little sweety Mika. She is so cute and so much fun to play fetch with.

I just love it when Mika gives me hugs. I just tap my chest and say "Mika, HUGS." and she jumps up on my arm and licks me to death! I love this puppy so much!

Another thing I love about Mika is her different color eyes. Her left eye is a beutiful brown and her right eye is a light blue topaz blue. I love her eyes! I love Mika! Noble loves to roam around in the backyard and play with me and Mika! Although we don't put them together very much because of neutering problems, we occasionally let them play together! It is so much fun!!!
As you can see I love all of my pets immensly! Everyone loves their pets right?! Well, I sure do! All my pets have been such an inspiration to me and have taught me many lessons. And I would also like to welcome the newest member to the Family Farm! Mika! Welcome Mika! We love you so much!

Friday, February 20, 2009

The twins are named!!!

Good news everybody!! My dad just got home from California and decided to name his little chicks! The names he picked are so adorable and they totally fit the little chick-a-dees! The names he picked are Murdle and Matilda. Matilda has a bright red beak (it almost looks like Rudoulph) and has two dark brown stripes down her back. Murdle however has a normal chick colored beak with three dark stripes going down her back. The twins are so cute and are practically connected to eachother. Seriously, they never leave eachother's sides! No joke! Anyway, all the chicks are doing great so far. Well, except for Audrey, also called Fuzzy, (and might I add, she aint so fuzzy no more...) who is still recovering from being drenched with water that my little sister poured on her earlier this morning. (I think she wanted to give her a bath...) Anyway, after my sister did that Audrey would not stand up because she was so wet. So I had to come and save the day! We put Audrey in a little basket with a wash cloth under her to keep her warm under her heat lamp while my mom had the blow dryer in her hand and was blow drying her feathers. That was definately touch and go. We could tell she was about to die, but we didn't gie up! (my family never quits.) And finally all of our hard work payed off and she survived! She is still recovering but she is walking around! That's a start right?! Well, I will get back with you later!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Today we got the most adorable little chicks!! We got 8 of them. They are the most adorable little things!! My four sisters and I all got one and my two parents both got two. Here are some pictures of them. Aren't they the cutest!!! Their names are Marly, Audrey, Sparkle, Ming-Ming, Bella, Juliet, and the other two we haven't decided on yet. I will get back to you Later!!! ~The new baby chick lover!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Noble's 2nd Birthday Invitation!!!

~As you all know Noble is my big puppy. However I don't think you knew his Birthday was on Valentines day!!! He is so excited to actually be turning the BIG 2!!! To celebrate his new age my family and I are throwing a huge party for him at the dog park by our house! It is going to be so much fun!! Here is the Invite we sent out to all his doggy friends... He he!!~

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Horse Lessons Soon!!!

I am going to be taking horse lessons, from a very nice woman named Paige Andersen (my BFF Katie's mom) as soon as it gets warmer!!!! I am SO excited!!! I am going to have so much fun! I will be taking lessons on one of two horses. Majestic or Harley. Majestic, also known as Stic, is a Mustang Buckskin type horse. She is SO beautiful. I don't know what kind of horse Harley is but she sure is pretty too. I love horses and can not wait to finally take actual lessons!! This is going to be so much fun!!! Well, I guess I will talk to ya'll later. Love your (almost) ridin' cowgirl!!! ~Animal Lover #1 :)

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Noble's new diet...

EEEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!! Ok it's called the B.A.R.F diet. (bones and raw food) So, my uncle went hunting and shot an elk. When he cut it up he gave all the left over scraps and bones (which might I add filled up FOUR GARBAGE SACKS!!!!)to Noble. Anyway so that is what Noble had been and will be eating for the next, oh I'd say about, THREE MONTHS!!! I know, disgusting huh??? He has been eating mainly the raw meat off the leg and rib bones so far but today is when he started eating the real meat... Also, one time, we gave him some cow liver, i know eeeeewwwww again, and he wouldn't eat it at first!!! Don't worry there's more! So he didn't think it tasted too good so he added a little flavor to it...(his own SPECIAL (and extremely gross) way...) This is the gross part. He added flavor to it by PEEING ON IT!!!!! DOUBLE EEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! Well, that's pretty much it. See ya. (sorry if I made you sick. I had nothing to blog about...) :)

Bad and Good News

Bad News: One of my chickens just passed away. Her name was Sandy. If you are wondering who Sandy was just scroll down and look at the pictures of my chickens. Sandy is the dark-brownish red one. This broke my heart when I heard that the youngest chicken of the bunch passed away. She was only one or two years old when she died,and oddly enough my other two chickens are FOUR!!! Now onto the GOOD NEWS!!!

Good News: Since Sandy died and she was y little sisters only pet, we might be getting some new (BABY)chickens in a couple of weeks. I am sooooo excited!! If I get one I will name it Sophira and I will call it Sophy. Or I will name it Mayzie, like the bird from one of my most favorite plays, Suessical The Musical!!! The last time I tried to name my HEN Mayzie, It turned out to be a rooster. Well, stay tuned, I'll right more soon. :) + :( (happy plus sad me...)